Many organizations have competencies and success factors that align closer to their business strategy than those evaluated by standardized 360 assessments. Others are looking for solutions with a degree of customization that standardized software doesn’t provide.
Excelerated provides your company its own cloud-based branded portal, an assessment process tailored directly to your needs and feedback reports that take your employees from review to action.
We understand that a successful 360 rollout is not a technology product but a change process with the goal of creating long-lasting behavior change. The communications strategy, assessment process, debrief and follow-up are all critical to the success of your project.
Our goal is to collaborate with you to deliver a comprehensive, strategy-driven program. Our professional services team will walk you through the entire feedback process and ensure you have a system that supports your goals. From configuration to communication, we’ll help you implement a 360 program that drives a measurable business impact — both now and in the future.
Excelerated® can be configured to work the way you need it to support your assessment process. With extensive configuration options and flexible workflows, we can implement the process you need.

Feedback Providers
Define your own set of feedback provider categories to support traditional 360 processes, or team member, coaching or mentoring relationships. Include custom instructions on how to navigate the selection process and whom to select.

Processing Rules
Configurable rules allow you to set how many raters can be selected to provide feedback, who needs to respond in order to generate a report and how to display and merge data to preserve anonymity.

Use advanced workflows to support performance management, talent review and succession processes. Approve feedback provider selections, allow managers to request and consolidate additional input and enable rater-driven selection of whom to provide feedback for.
Assessment Design
Excelerated® isn’t limited to rating behavioral items. We can start with a blank page and build completely custom assessments for different rater types and use sophisticated logic based on prior ratings and demographic information such as level, region and role.

Content Design
Choose from a wide variety of data entry and display formats:
For scaled items: Radio scales, checkboxes, sliders, drag and drop ranking, select and rank options.
For free text: Data entry limits, spell-check and bold/italic/bullet formatting.
Include additional descriptive content, user or group-level data to display. Dynamically change content for your audience by level and function, rater category or in response to previous questions. Tailor the overall assessment, modify subsequent questions or branch to additional pages.

Comparative Rating
Users who are asked to complete multiple assessments can rate everyone in one pass rather than one at a time. This unique feature not only has the advantages of being much faster and efficient, but it also provides better data and significantly reduces rater bias.

Custom Pages
Include your own development plan, worksheet or program introduction as part of the feedback report, ensuring the process flows smoothly through assessment and debrief to action planning.
Feedback Reports
Our highly flexible reporting capability allows us to build reports to your specifications: branded to your organization, reflecting your culture and terminology and incorporating custom content in the languages required.

Reports are customized to your branding standards with your logo, colors and styles. Include additional background and follow-up information specific to your development program.

Content Library
Build your report from a wide variety of page templates that can be tailored to your organization with custom content that ties feedback and next steps to your development process.

A range of charts and graphical displays can be used to highlight critical areas. We can build unique formats for custom assessment instruments.
Aggregate Reports
We provide the information you require to track and manage your 360 process while analyzing bench-strength and development needs. Produce PowerPoint summaries at the click of a button, analyze data online or extract it for further analysis.

Presentation Report
Quickly select any set of participants, and run an aggregate PowerPoint report. The report contains a variety of charts and summaries you can use for analysis and in executive presentations.

Ad Hoc Analysis
Our ad hoc reporting portal allows you to run built-in aggregate reports by cohort or across the organization and create your own reports to identify trends and training needs.

Data Export
Download your data at any time to Excel, CSV or XML format for further analysis or Word or PDF for presentation.
Self-administer all aspects of the process. Our intuitive and flexible management tools allow you to quickly understand the assessment’s status and take any actions necessary to keep everything on track.

User Sync and Import
Build your employee list as you go, import or synchronize from your HRIS or use a combination of the two. Allow users to search an employee directory to select feedback providers and/or enter new names and emails directly. Import managerial relationships to enable users to build rater lists on the fly or import them specifically for a cohort.

Rater Selection
Mix and match different rater selection options, such as manually by participant or automatically based on managerial relationships. Hybrid options enable pre-population of manager and direct reports, supplemented by participant peer selections.

Status Tracking
Easily manage participant cohorts or on-demand processes. Access status information at your fingertips for quick review and administration.

Participant Management
You have full administrative control over the entire process:
- Register and cancel participants.
- Enter, modify or supplement feedback providers.
- Schedule and send ad hoc reminder emails.
- Extend due dates.
- Instantly generate reports or trigger them when all assessments are complete.

Latest Updates
Entered data, along with status changes and other events, are logged into a global history. Latest updates are displayed, and the full history can be viewed to easily understand system-wide activity.

On-screen alerts keep you informed of tasks to complete, activities to review and information you need to be aware of.

Digest Emails
Subscribe your management team to a daily digest email to stay current on actions to be completed and when additional follow-up may be required — no need to log in and manually check yourself.
Excelerated is a highly customizable, secure and multilingual platform that can be tailored to your organization’s unique needs.

Access a custom portal tailored to your own brand standards including your logos, colors and fonts.

Excelerated is a multilingual system and is available in over 30 languages. Users receive emails in their preferred language, which can be changed at any time from their dashboard. Assessments, feedback reports and administration screens are all multilingual.

Cambria has been delivering software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications for Fortune 100 clients for over 15 years. We’ve offered proven scalability to hundreds of thousands of users, maintained a reliability over 99.99% and managed data for highly regulated financial services and healthcare customers.

Excelerated’s responsive design automatically adapts to your browser’s screen size and is supported on all current web browsers, including desktop, tablet and mobile phone.

Connect With Cambria
Reach out to a Cambria consultant to learn more about how Excelerated can help
you streamline and simplify talent development and assessment today.