(Boston, MA 11/16/2017) – Cambria Consulting – a leading talent strategy firm – is out with a new complimentary eBook with strategies and practical insights for how to attract, select, and retain top-performing new hires.
The eBook, Hiring the Best, is designed to help hiring teams build essential skills and drive stronger, smarter hiring at their organizations.
“The war for top talent is still a very big deal across the business landscape – and yet many organizations grapple with how to equip managers with the right skills for successfully hiring the best people,” said George Klemp, president of Cambria Consulting. “That’s what we set out to do with Hiring the Best, which is loaded with actionable strategies that can help make a difference right now.”
The new Cambria eBook draws on decades of experience and is designed to help hiring teams clarify essential job requirements; create a disciplined hiring process; conduct excellent behavioral interviews; address unconscious bias among hiring teams; hire for diversity; and make excellent hiring decisions.
“Our eBook goes beyond the basics to provide valuable tips to improve hiring results,” Klemp added. “It is a guide to getting the most out of your hiring practices, with real-world application in mind.”
Cambria Consulting is a 30-year innovator of solutions that accelerate talent development, coaching, hiring, and succession within organizations to help drive business results. The firm’s eBook – Hiring the Best – is offered as a complimentary download and is available here.